Thursday, February 26, 2009

Continuation of the Edmonton Disaster Scenario

After Tuesday's discussion and our thinking of how different areas of Edmonton would be affected got me thinking about the same phenomena on a larger scale. In terms of Alberta, Edmonton would be better off than the other cities that don't have as ready a water source as us. On this note I was imagining if battles over fresh water were to occur in the province how would Edmonton stand up to the challenge. Ideally, I would like to say Edmontonians as a whole would stand together and defeat the surrounding attacking villages; however, after discussions of how different areas of the city would fight amongst one another got me thinking, what does unite Edmontonians into one solid unit. This class, for example, is one way of finding that answer but would all Edmontonians feel as patriotically Edmontonian as we do once learning all this history about our beloved city? I'd like to say yes, but it does make me wonder. Considering our "City of Champions" motto scarcely seems fit to describe our city at times (c.f. last post), maybe rather than infrastructure Edmonton should work on finding a way to unite the people's love for the city again. Just a thought.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mcilwraith - Tells it how it is!

I just wanted to say that the manner in which Mcilwraith wrote her story was amazingly good. It had the feel of a critical scholar and the problems that arise when encountering people who either do not have a scholarly background, or purposefully choose to bring up the controversial. This idea to me is intriguing because it reminds me of the idea that you truly discover a city by examining its underground. I do very much like the notion that what makes you uncomfortable or even what you don't agree with entirely forces one to examine things in a new way. Abandon all your preconceptions, this is what it is... react! (or something to that effect)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Displaying my Ignorance (I'll say Part 1 because it'll like happen again)

This is going to be short and sweet folks, sorry if you're expecting more!

I have to admit that I have lived in Edmonton for almost my entire life and have never heard it called the River City before this class. I have heard City of Champions billions of times, I've heard "Deadmonton" like Dianne Chisholm, but even she knew the term River City. I asked my brother if he's ever heard of Edmonton being called the River City. Much to my delight, neither has he! On this note, was the name abandoned when we became the City of Champions, or have I (and I suppose my brother as well) been living in some weird boxed world that has selectively blocked out the name from our ears. Anyways, that's it for now.
Cheers and thanks for reading (if you stuck around),
-Captain Awesome